in Viitor, Lupte, Sentimente

„RED RISING” de Pierce Brown

Red Rising-trilogy

Pierce Brown își imaginează viitorul în cele trei cărți tipărite („Red rising”, „Golden son”, și „Morning star”) astfel:
1. planeta Marte va putea fi populată cu oameni
2. sistemul de caste va continua să existe chiar și pe Marte, iar denumirile vor fi culori: Roșu, Auriu… dar evident diferențele sunt clare: Auriul este mult, mult mai bun decît Roșul!!! 

Discursul Președintei din viitor, care încearcă să-i îmbărbăteze pe Roșii trimiși primii pe Marte, ca să le facă viața ușoară privilegiaților Aurii, îmi sună familiar.
Mai ales cuvintele: Obedience, Sacrifice, Hierarchy…

„Since the dawn of man, our saga as a species has been one of tribal warfare. It has been one of trial, one of sacrifice, one of daring to defy nature’s natural limits. Now, through duty and obedience, we are united, but our struggle is no different. Sons and daughters of all Colors, we are asked to sacrifice again.”

„You brave Red pioneers of Mars- strongest of the human breed- sacrifice for progress, sacrifice to pave the way for the future. Your lives, your blood, are down payment for the immortality of the human race as we move beyond Earth and Moon. You go where we could not. You suffer so the others do not.”

„I salute you. I love you. The helium-3 that you mine is the life blood of the terraforming process. Soon the red planet will have breathable air, lovable soil. And soon, when Mars is habitable, when you brave pioneers have made ready the red planet for us softer Colors, we will join you and you will be held in highest esteem beneath the sky your toil created. Your sweat and blood fuels the terraforming!”

„Brave pioneers, always remember that obedience is the highest virtue. Above all, obedience, respect, sacrifice, hierarchy…”


Kindle, 2015, 2016


"From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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