in Non Ficțiune


Stories I only tell my friendsÎl știam pe actorul Rob Lowe din serialul TV „The West Wing” și mai știam despre el că a fost, la un moment dat, prietenul prințesei Stephanie de Monaco.

Am fost impresionată să-l descopăr în cartea scrisă de el „Stories I only tell my friends” și am apreciat învățămintele lui:

„Many people still buy into the idea that actors can control and plan their careers. This is, to put it plainly, bullshit. Even the biggest star is at the mercy of the material offered to him.
All any actor can really do is take the best material available at any given time, do good work, and hope for lightning to strike.”

„Side note for young actors: Say YES to ANY opportunity to grow and/ or do good work. You never know where it will lead or who may be paying attention.”

În mod special, m-a impresionat viziunea lui despre divorț și copiii proveniți dintr-o familie divorțată:

„But there are many other lessons that teenage boys need to learn. And most of these can’t be taught over pizza at midnight or on the tennis court. I only know this because of my own teen sons.

They don’t really listen to speeches or talks. They absorb incrementally, through hours and hours of observation.

The sad truth about divorce is that it’s hard to teach your kids about life unless you are living life with them: eating together, doing homework, driving them around endlessly, being bored with nothing to do, letting them listen while you do business, while you negotiate love and the frustrations and complications and rewards of living day in and out with your wife.

Through this, they see how adults handle responsibility, honesty, commitment, jealousy, anger, professional pressures, and social interactions.”


Editura: Henry Holt and Company, 2011


"From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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