O iubesc pe actrița Maria Bello.
Și pe oricine iubesc, fie că sunt scriitori, fie că sunt actori, motivul este că își fac meseria extrem de bine. Rareori sunt interesată să citesc despre viața lor personală. Pentru că nu dormim seara în același pat!!!
Citind cartea scrisă de Maria Bello, „Whatever…love is love”, am aflat răspunsul la întrebarea pusă de fiul ei, Jackson:
„So, are you romantic with anyone right now?”
I exhaled and finally said: „Clare.”
He looked at me for what seemed like an eternity. Then, he broke into a huge, warm smile.
„Mom, whether you are a lesbian, gay, bi or transgender, shout it to the world.
Whatever, love is love,” he said, with a wisdom beyond his years.”
„Yes, I hurt people I loved, and I take responsibility for that.
I also found a freedom in expressing my sexuality that I hadn’t felt before.
I began to understand that for many people, sex doesn’t equal love and that our primal physical drive isn’t necessarily bad.
Sometimes, two people can just admit their connection is not sexual, but they share the same values, ideas, likes and dislikes, family and friends.”
„I’m just at the beginning of my romantic relationship with Clare and we are still in the discovery stage. Will that be forever? Probably not.
As much as we hate to admit it, people do not stay the same and neither will we. Relationships change constantly.
I think if we are conscious enough, we can accept the change without throwing out the love.”
După aceste opinii oneste ale Mariei Bello, nu am mai fost surprinsă să citesc părerea ei despre controversata dar faimoasa carte:
„I believe that the book „Fifty shades of Grey” became a world-wide phenomena because people were finally given a chance to explore their fantasies in safe way.”
Publisher: HarperCollins, 2015
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