in Ficțiune


Nu știu să verbalizez motivul pentru care noi, cititoarele romanelor lui Jane Austen, suntem atât de impresionate și de influențate de scrisul ei. Indiferent de țara în care ne-am născut.

Sonali Dev a scris versiunea indiană-americană-britanică „Pride, prejudice, and other flavors” și mi-a plăcut  în mod special să citesc cum gîndesc indienii născuți în America. Aceștia, deși au mentalitatea americană, sunt influențați de tradițiile și crezurile familiei lor deoarece părinții lor aleg, în mod conștient, ca ai lor copii să petreacă fiecare vacanță de vară în India. 

Pasajul următor este cel în care Dr. Trisha Raj (neurochirurg la spitalul Stanford din San Francisco) își declară sentimentele în fața lui DJ (Darcy James) Caine:

„It’s because…because…Because I’m attracted to you.
I…I swear this doesn’t ever happen to me with anyone else. It’s…it’s just you.
The way I feel around you…
I can’t even imagine why, or when it happened or how. I mean…look at us! We have absolutely nothing in common. Not one thing.”

His face did not alter at all except for the slightest tightening of his chin that deepened the blasted dimple. And she knew she had said something wrong, something to freeze him even more. She wanted to take her words back, but that train had left the station.

„Surely you see why this would be utterly terrifying for me. I’ve never been with someone like you. We…us…us getting together…it would be a total disaster.
You can’t possibly not see how ridiculous this is. You…You…I’ve never dated anyone who isn’t a physician…let alone someone who hasn’t been to college.”

Just saying those words made her look like she was going to burst into tears.

„You cook for a living. I’m terrified of kitchens.
But I don’t care.
I…I…When I’m with you, I feel, I feel…
Maybe we should just get this out of our systems.”


Kindle, 2020

"From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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