in Ficțiune - Poezie

„THE NIGHT BEFORE” de Wendy Walker

Cînd am descoperit-o pe scriitoarea Wendy Walker și i-am citit cărțile, am simțit că devin dependentă de vorbele ei.

Profunzimea cu care descrie ceea ce se întâmplă într-o familie mă uimește. 
Poveștile imaginate de ea mă țin cu sufletul la gură.
Modul ei de a ne explica, nouă cititorilor, ceea ce simt personajele ei mă copleșește.

Din fericire pentru mine, Wendy Walker a scris câteva romane, astfel încît să mă țină preocupată o perioadă de timp.

„One day Rosie and I came inside undetected.

<<- I don’t know… She was just born that way.
Born with fists for hands.

It’s hard to love a girl like that.>>

I’ve never forgotten it, that expression.
Fists for hands.
Or the conclusion she’d come to about my fate.

Rosie pulled me away, back outside, where we were free and easy. She made a joke about it, about how our mother was always wrong about everything, anyway.
Rosie was trying to protect me from words that should have been hurtful, but all I remember feeling was a sense of pride that our mother had bother to see me at all.

I had always felt invisible to her.”


„I don’t need a man.

The only trouble is that after years of wondering why it was so hard for me to find one, I finally had done just that–found a man who loved me.

He didn’t stay long, but while he was there, he unlocked the door to a well of needs.
And there were so many of them.

The need to be held and touched.
The need to laugh and cry and search another’s soul.
The need to be seen.
To be known.
Not the fierce and fearless warrior who conquered the world, but the little girl tugging on a sleeve or the hem of a coat, looking up.
Always, always looking up with foolish hope that someone would look back and be happy to see me there.”


Kindle, 2021

"From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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