in Non Ficțiune - Poezie


„Logan Roy is more interesting because he’s a darker character, but he’s got other elements which are surprising too.
That’s the great reward of him.
He does villainous things but he’s not really a villain.

And another thing that interested me about him is that we have this in common: we’re both disappointed in how the human experiment has turned out.
We share a certain disgust, which in his case manifests itself in his attitude to his kids, in whom he’s trying to instil a sense of self-worth.
He’s saying, „I want my kids to be themselves, instead of these bottle-feed individuals.”

„It’s an interesting dilemma of our times, the whole thing of entitlement and how that destroys people.
Logan’s never had that, there’s never a sense of entitlement to him because he’s earned everything he has, and he sees the tragedy of his children not having that foundation in their lives.”

Mi-am cumpărat memoriile actorului Brian Cox datorită rolului pe care-l joacă în serialul „Succession.” 
Întreaga noastră familie urmărește serialul, cu sentimente complet diferite. În timp ce băieții sunt îngroziți că ar putea exista o astfel de familie, bărbatului meu i se face rău fizic la gândul că șefii unei companii listate pot să  gândească și să ia decizii în acel fel!!!
Eu sunt singura care mă uit fascinată la relațiile dintre copii, relațiile lor cu tatăl lor și cred că da, e posibil să fie adevărat!!!

Deși experiența lui de tată (are cîte doi copii din fiecare căsnicie), este similară lui Logan: el a fost un tată absent din viața copiilor, a avut noroc de neveste preocupate de copiii lor.
Pentru copiii din prima căsnicie (născuți în 1970 respectiv 1977), Brian recunoaște că prima soția a luat toate deciziile:

„I was busy ploughing other furrows at the time, so I wasn’t being particularly domestic (translation: I was busy being a crap dad), and so I agreed – being in no position not to, frankly – that the kids should have the best possible opportunities.”

Iar pentru copiii din actuala căsnicie, născuți în 2002 respectiv 2004, Brian spune că meritul este tot al mamei copiilor:

 „I hate the fact that while I had a hand in creating them, I seem to have absolutely nothing in common with them.
Which is all a long and roundabout way of saying that while I consider my children to be wonderful miracles – I have little affinity with the process of fathering them.”

Brian Cox s-a născut în anul 1946, într-un sat din Scoția și a fost al cincilea copil din familie.
Toți 7 locuiau într-un apartament de două camere.
Iar la 15 ani a părăsit școala ca să muncească. 
Dornic să învețe, Brian Cox este actorul de azi deoarece:

„It was a piece of wisdom that had stuck with me, and as someone who had decided their future lay as a supporting actor, it lit the way for me from that moment on.
It freed me, in fact.
It removed ego from the equation and allowed me to disregard the size of the role, the star wattage of my co-performers, even, to a certain extent, the quality of the film I was in, and concentrate solely on what I was able to contribute to my character and what my character could contribute to the film.
Actor, character, text.
That’s all it is.”


Kindle, 2022

"From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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