„THIS WOVEN KINGDOM” de Tahereh Mafi
Tahereh Mafi, una dintre scriitoarele mele preferate, a publicat recent cartea „This woven kingdom.”
Povestea este o reinterpretare a unor povești iraniene dar cu învățăminte valabile pentru toți părinții, indiferent de statutul lor financiar.
Prințesa, Alizeh, a fost educată de profesori dar a fost învățată de către părinții ei să și muncească astfel încât să aprecieze munca fizică:
„Alizeh’s mother and father had thought it critical to teach their child not only to care and clean for her own home, but to have basic knowledge of most all technical and mechanical labor; they’d wanted her to know the weight of a day’s work.
But then, they’d only meant to teach her a valuable lesson–they’d never meant for her to earn her living this way.
While Alizeh had spent her younger years being honed by masters and tutors, so, too, had her parents humbled her in preparation for her imagined future, insisting always upon the greater good, the essential quality of compassion.”
Prințul Kamran nu este nici superficial și nici puturos. Mai mult, își pune întrebări în legătură cu rolul pe care-l avea (viitor rege):
„All else in his life was an inheritance.
Every cup, every jewel, every buckle and boot came with a price, an expectation. A legacy.
Kamran hadn’t been asked to choose; instead, he’d been ordered to obey, which had never before struck him as particularly cruel, for his was not such a difficult life.
He had struggles, certainly, but Kamran owned no proclivity for fairy tales.
He wasn’t so deluded as to imagine he might be happier as a peasant, nor did he dream of living a humble life with a woman of common stock and weak intelligence.
His was a life he’d never before questioned, for it had never before constrained him.
He’d wanted for nothing, and as a result deigned not to lower himself to the experience of desire, for desire was the pastime of poorer men, men whose only weapons against the world’s cruelty were their imagination.”
În plus, prințul apreciază valoarea unei neveste inteligente:
„Kamran did not possess the necessary stupidity to desire anyone who sought only to claim his money, his power, his title.
The very idea filled him with revulsion.”
Iar povestea de dragoste este minunată!!!
Kindle, 2022
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