„THE WIDOW” de Kaira Rouda
„The real power in Washington belongs to the people behind the scenes.
The people with money and real influence.
The people who have a clear long-term mission.”
De la bărbatul meu am învățat despre „mid-term elections” din U.S.A.
De la scriitoarea Keira Rouda și noul ei roman intitulat „THE WIDOW” am aflat ce înseamnă să fii nevasta unui bărbat american ales în House Representatives.
Pentru mine a fost mult mai interesant să citesc perspectiva nevestei despre politică respectiv dinamica relațiilor politice prin prisma intereselor economice împinse de aceeași nevestă!!!
„Behind every successful man is a ruthless wife who made it all happen, or so they say.”
Nevasta este cea care își împinge bărbatul să facă înțelegeri financiare dubioase (China este și ea implicată prin finanțarea firmelor de lobby) dar nici bărbatul ei nu are o problemă în a-și vinde voturile celor care îl plătesc mai mult:
„I suppose I learned that lesson early.
I couldn’t count on my mom, and she was all I had.
So I taught myself just about everything as a kid, without a lot of praise.
I guess I was in training for this spouse role from a young age.
I even taught myself to love, because my mom was incapable of it.”
„I don’t trust anyone. Never have.
I learned that at a young age.
The minute you trust someone, they’ll let you down. It’s the way of the world.
I prefer to pretend to trust while verifying everything. Verifying everything requires perfecting certain incognito sleuthing abilities, of course.
That’s how I’ve honed my lock-picking skills. I had a lot to verify through the years, with my daughter, my husband, certain friends.
You’d be surprised what you find out, the truth you uncover, when you snoop around on the ones you love.”
Kindle, 2022
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