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„DAISY JONES & THE SIX” de Taylor Jenkins Reid

Cînd a fost publicată cartea „Daisy Jones & The Six”, am citit primele pagini și am decis să nu o s-o cumpăr deoarece nu voiam să citesc despre o fată de 14 ani care se droghează. Chiar dacă, pînă atunci, citisem cu drag toate romanele scriitoarei Taylor Jenkins Reid. 

Patru ani mai tîrziu, văd un clip cu serialul care se face după această carte și în momentul în care l-am văzut pe Billy făcîndu-i cu ochiul lui Daisy, am hotărât că merită să citesc cartea. Și m-am bucurat în fiecare moment de ea!

Mi-a plăcut să citesc despre procesul de creație într-o trupă.
Am fost impresionată să citesc despre muzicieni care trăiesc pentru muzica lor.
Și evident am fost fascinată de cantitatea și varietatea drugurilor consumate zilnic de către muzicieni!

Billy: „As Daisy and I were singing it, I had to do a few takes in a row to really warm up but Daisy hit it right out of the gate.
She really…Daisy was a natural.
And if you’re going up against somebody like Daisy, then yeah, that’s annoying. But if she’s on your team…vow. Powerhouse „

Daisy: „I loved Billy’s voice.
There was something so plaintive about it. So vulnerable.
I thought,
This is the voice of a man who’s seen things.
I thought it was so evocative to sound broken the way he did. I didn’t have that. I sounded like a cool new pair of jeans and Billy sounded like the pair you’ve had for years.
I could see the potential of how we could really complement each other.”


Daisy: „Music dig, you know? It can take a shovel to your chest and just start digging until it hits something.

At first, I think you start getting high to dull your emotions, to escape from them. But after a while you realize that the drugs are what are making you life untenable, they are actually what heightening every emotion you have. It’s making your heartbreak harder, your good times higher. So coming down really does start to feel like rediscovering sanity.
And when you rediscover your sanity, it’s only a matter of time before you start to get an inkling of why you wanted to escape it in the first place.”

Billy: „How could I be around Daisy Jones and not be mesmerized by her? Not fall in love with her? 
I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

But Camila was always the person I loved the most. She was always the person I would choose.
It is Camila, for me. Always.”

Camila: „I wish Billy didn’t love anyone else.
But do you know what I decided a long time ago?
I decided I don’t need perfect love and I don’t need a perfect husband and I don’t need perfect kids and a perfect life and all that.

I want mine.
I want my love, my husband, my kids, my life.”


Kindle, 2023



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