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„THE PATIENT’S SECRET” de Loreth Anne White

Recent, am acceptat și integrat faptul că nu există un ADEVĂR UNIVERSAL.
Noi, ca oameni, ne spunem unii altora opiniile personale, deci subiective, dar acestea sunt livrate ca și cum sunt axiome, legi.
Și de aici se nasc multiplele conflicte dintre oameni.

Loretta Anne White, o scriitoare pe care am descoperit-o recent și al cărei stil de scriere mă fascinează, a spus extrem de frumos acest lucru în romanul ei „The Patient’s Secret”:

„People don’t live in nicely painted heritage homes in pretty neighborhoods. They don’t live in modern high-rise condos, or rustic cabins in the woods, or homeless shelters under concrete bridges.

People live in the six inches of real estate between their ears–in that three pounds of fat and protein that is the human brain.

They live inside their heads. That’s where reality resides.

That’s where every single human constructs an individual narrative of their life.

That’s where they tell themselves who they are, and what they can and can’t be.

And no person’s reality can ever be the same as anyone else’s.

The notion that there is one objective truth out there–that’s the biggest illusion of all.”


Kindle, 2023

"From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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