in Ficțiune

„THE PERFECT COUPLE” de Elin Hilderbrand

După ce am văzut trailerul pentru noul serial Netflix „The Perfect Couple”, mi-am cumpărat romanul scris de Elin Hilderbrand, deoarece scenariul serialului a fost adaptat folosind cartea cu același nume.
Cartea a făcut sens pentru mine. Deoarece nu există cuplu perfect, indiferent de situația materială, indiferent cât de mult se iubesc partenerii.
Viața ne prezintă tuturor tot felul de situații din care cu toții învățăm, mai mult sau mai puțin. Depinde de noi ce alegeri facem și ce lecții de viață învățăm.
Ce mi-a plăcut mult a fost faptul că fiecare personaj din carte, bărbat sau femeie, avea capacitate de introspecție respectiv avea înțelegeri clare despre luminile și umbrele din interiorul lor. Și nu se judecau, și se acceptau. Acest lucru este important pentru oricare dintre noi.

Celeste este viitoarea mireasă și împreună cu părinții ei Karen și Bruce: „they are a small, insular cluster of three.”
„Celeste didn’t ever feel the need to impress. She was comfortable with who she was.”

Benji este viitorul ginere iar părinții lui, Greer și Tag, au organizat întreaga nuntă pentru el și Celeste.
„It’s his wedding day! His parents have gone to enormous effort and expense to make this wedding unforgettable and now its all for naught.”

Merrit este domnișoara de onoare dar și cea mai bună prietenă a viitoarei mirese, Celeste:
„Tag waves as he strolls past the pool, taking a long, appreciative look at Merritt, who is wearing a black bikini with a complicated web of straps across the back. The bikini is possibly meant to reference bondage and inspire any man who looks upon the suit to wish for a pair of scissors to snip the straps and get to the luscious body underneath. However, the suit, with its web, also reminds Tag of a spider. A black widow, he thinks.
Merritt is dangerous. He needs to stay away.

Tag is fifty-seven years old, likely more than twice the girl’s age. He tries to banish her from his mind and instead focus on everything he already has–a satisfying, if stodgy, career; a beautiful, accomplished wife; and two healthy sons, both of whom are finally starting to get the hang of adulthood.
Tag has a five-bedroom prewar apartment on Park Avenue, a flat in London, and this spread in Nantucket.

Tag takes Merritt’s number but makes no plans to see her again. It’s a one-and-done, a weekend fling, which is how he likes to keep things with other women.
There have been half a dozen or so over the course of his marriage, one-or two-night stands, women he never sees or thinks again.
His behavior has nothing to do with how he feels about Greer. Or maybe it does.
Maybe it’s an assertion of power, of defiance. Greer entered the marriage with more money and higher social standing. Tag has always felt a touch inferior.
The prowling around is how he balances the scale.”


Kindle, 2024

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