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    in Future, Fights, Feelings - Poetry

    “THE QUEEN OF THE TEARLING” by Erika Johansen

    There are already printed all three books from this trilogy: “The Queen of the Tearling” (the first book), “The invasion of the Tearling” (the second book), and “The fate of the Tearling” (the third book), so you do not have to wait as I did.

    The books are lovely written. There are fights, there are superpowers, there are good and bad queens, and there are real and fantastic love stories.

    Princess Kelsea Raleigh Glynn, born from a Queen mother and unknown father, is raised by Carlin și Barty Glynn far away from the royal court until the age of nineteen years old. Only at this age, Princess Kelsea Raleigh Glynn can become the Queen of Tearling. 

    Till then, Kelsea is taught by Carlin: “rudimentary mathematics, her Tear grammar, geography, and later languages of surrounding countries.” 

    “Most of all, history, the history of humanity stretching back before the Crossing. Carlin often said that history was everything, for it was in man’s nature to make the same mistakes over and over.”

    Carlin also educates Kelsea do not rely on her beauty, do not be shallow, and take pride in clothes and jewelry.  And Barty is teaching her to fight with weapons.

    “I’ve raised you to be a thinking queen, Kelsea, and so you will be. But you’ve entered a time when survival must trump all else. 
    But don’t allow reliance on weapons to impair your mind, Kelsea. Your wits have always been sound; see that you don’t lose them along the way. It’s easy to do so when you pick a sword.”

    I genuinely like that to prepare Kelsea to become a true queen, Carlin is using the books:
    “These books were her life’s collection, saved and hoarded by settlers in the Crossing, preserved through centuries.”

    “If Kelsea completed all of her schoolwork by dinnertime, her reward was to be allowed to pick a book from the library and stay up reading until she had finished. Stories moved Kelsea most, stories of things that never were, stories that transported her beyond the changeless world of the cottage.”

    Pay significant attention to THE CROSSING.

    Enjoy reading all the books!!!


    Kindle, 2014, 2015, 2016


    "From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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