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    in Non Fiction

    “LETTERS TO MICHAEL” by Charles Phillipson

    I cannot stress enough how important it is for me to visit bookstores and find books that I want to buy.
    For the first time, I visited the “Labour and Wait” shop, after so many years of looking at their products online, and there I found the book written by Charles Phillipson “LETTERS TO MICHAEL” (a father writes to his son 1945-1947).

    Michael started the school in England, in 1944, and he remembered that his father, Charles: “had already made me a small book, containing playful drawings of the alphabet’s upper- and lower-case forms, to encourage my reading.”

    “In each (letter) he gave equal space to text and drawing, and in the early letters he drew my attention to both spelling and writing’s reliance on silent letters by underlinings.”





    “Developed as intimate gifts to me, they affirmed his love and revealed his way of engaging with  my world.”





    I was touched by how a parent can show his love for his son. And I understand that each parent has a unique way of showing it.


    Publisher: Smith Settle, Yeadon, West Yorkshire (2021)

    "From my books" I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

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