„REMINDERS OF HIM” de Colleen Hoover
„Dear Scotty, Your car was my favorite place to be. I don’t know if I ever told you that. It was the only place we could get true solitude. I’d get in your car and it was like feeling all the…
„Dear Scotty, Your car was my favorite place to be. I don’t know if I ever told you that. It was the only place we could get true solitude. I’d get in your car and it was like feeling all the…
„But hang around any court for a while and you will see just how precarious life can be. How your world can come tumbling down all too rapidly if you make the wrong call. If, just for one, fatal split second,…
WAR „Only a few generations ago, most people in the developed world had either fought in a war or knew someone who had. Now war is something that many of us have never had to experience at all.” ……………………………………………………………… „As citizens,…
„De câte ori sunt scos la lecție Răspund anapoda La toate întrebările. – Cum stai cu istoria? Mă întreabă profesorul. – Prost, foarte prost, Abia am încheiat o trainică pace Cu turcii. – Care…
„The Court has succeeded in extraditing a well-known jihadist who stood accused of four counts of crimes against humanity and five counts of war crime. The authorities surrendered him earlier that day, and he was being transported to a plane as…
„The Producers” este filmul preferat al bărbatului meu, așa că în fiecare an, îl vizionăm cel puțin o dată. Și da, știu pe de rost unele cântece!!! Personajul meu preferat este cel interpretat de Will Ferrell. Mel Brooks, cel care a…
Tahereh Mafi, una dintre scriitoarele mele preferate, a publicat recent cartea „This woven kingdom.” Povestea este o reinterpretare a unor povești iraniene dar cu învățăminte valabile pentru toți părinții, indiferent de statutul lor financiar. Prințesa, Alizeh, a fost educată de profesori…
„Logan Roy is more interesting because he’s a darker character, but he’s got other elements which are surprising too. That’s the great reward of him. He does villainous things but he’s not really a villain. And another thing that interested me…
Citind cartea „PUNK LOVE”, m-am dus cu gândul la momentele din tinerețea mea și a bărbatului meu. Ce minune să-mi amintesc cum în timpul unui semestru din facultate, în loc să studiez serios pentru viitoarea mea meserie, îl așteptam pe viitorul meu…
„Note this other lesson well!” The Preacher thundered, lifting his arms. „If you would possess your humanity, let go of the universe!” „But I realize that humans cannot bear very much reality, he said. Most lives are a flight from selfhood.…
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