in Ficțiune


The reluctant fundamentalist coverNu cred că i-a fost ușor lui Mohsin Hamid, autorul romanului „The reluctant fundamentalist”, cînd a scris această carte cu subiect dureros: viața unui om după 9/11.

Personajul principal, originar din Pakistan dar educat in U.S.A., este singurul care vorbește. În întreaga carte.
Iar eu, ca și cititor, am reușit să-l cunosc atît pe el cît și pe interlocutorul lui (care nu scoate o vorbă pe tot parcursul cărții) doar din monologul lui.
Ce mi s-a părut extraordinar este faptul că am putut să „aud” (prin frazare) accentul și muzicalitatea limbii engleze vorbită de un pakistanez.

„Excuse me, sir, but may I be of assistance? Ah, I see I have alarmed you. Do not be frightened by my beard: I am a lover of America. I noticed that you were looking for something; more than looking, in fact you seemed to be on a mission, and since I am both a native of this city and a speaker of your language, I thought I might offer you my services.

How did I know that you are an American? No, not by the colour of your skin; we have a range of complexions in this country, and yours occurs often among the people of our northwest frontier. Instead, it was your bearing that allowed me to identify you, and I do not mean that as an insult, for I see your face has hardened, but merely as an observation.

Come, tell me what were you looking for? Surely, at this time of day, only one thing could have brought you to the district of Old Anarkali and that is the quest for the perfect cup of tea.

You prefer that seat, with your back so close to the wall? And will you not remove your jacket? So formal! Now that is not typical of Americans, at least not in my experience.

You seem worried. Do not be; this burly fellow is merely our waiter, and there is no need to reach under your jacket, I assume to grasp your wallet, as we will pay him later, when we are done.”


Editura: Penguins books, 2008


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